How to Set up Oracle SQL for windows (Exclusively for VTU 5th sem DBMS Lab programming)

oracle sql
If you want to practice SQL queries in your windows environment and want to know how to set up the same, this article is for you. This post explains in detail regarding installation and running of 'Oracle SQL client' in windows OS.

[Note: This post is exclusively written for VTU board 5th sem CS/IS Engineering buddies.]
 Lets Begin,
  • A Windows PC/Laptop (running windows 7 or higher)
  • A copy of Oracle SQL command line tool (You can download it by 'clicking here')
  • And some free time(may be 15 minutes or less)

-Follow the instructions given below- 
  • First, Download the 'oracleSQL.exe' file from the link given above (in the Requirements section).
  • Double click on that .exe file you had just downloaded.
  • A screen will appear saying it is getting prepared to install (see image below).
  • In the next screen, Installation wizard will begin. Hit 'Next' in this stage (see image below).
click next
  • Agree their Terms and conditions and hit 'Next' (see image below).
agree terms
  • Next, Browse the location where you need the Oracle SQL client to be installed, hit 'Next' (see image below).
browse location to install
  • Next, Create a password for your Oracle SQL client software, hit 'Next' (see image below).
create password

[Important: Do not forget this password because you may not be able to access the software once the password is lost]
  • Next, Review your installation, Do not read anything here, Just hit 'Install' (see image below). 

 [Note: In some computers, You may face the Error Dialogue as shown below, Just ignore it and click 'OK' to dismiss it] 
this error might occur
  • Installation will proceed and may take some time to complete (may be 10-15 minutes). Have patience.
  • You will see a dialogue as shown below when installation is complete.

  • Go to 'Search bar' of your Windows, and type 'run SQL' there. You will find an application "Run SQL command line", as shown below. Open the same.
search of oraclesql
  • After it is opened up, type this exact lines: "connect system;" and hit ENTER. it will ask for a password. Enter the one which you gave during the installation. Then hit Enter. You may see something as this image below.
connect system
  • Now you can run any SQL queries here. An example has been shown in the image below for verification.
sample execution of quiery
 That's it. Your Oracle SQL client software installation is complete now. Cheers!

YouTube Video Tutorial
Share it with your VTU friends. Comment below if you are facing any problems in installing. Good day to you :)

Tags: VTU, 5th sem DBMS lab, DBMS software,  Oracle SQL, installation.

He is a simple passionate tech freak who himself is an engineering student at Canara Engineering college. He likes App Development, Web designing, Blogging, Youtubing, Debugging and also is a CodeGeek!

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