10 cool websites you need to know!

10 cool websites
Here is a list of 10 websites a Techie must be knowing. All are wonderful and 'third one' is my personal favorite.
 [Note: This list ranking is completely based on my, i.e., 'CodeShuffle's opinion. But can be trusted ranking]

So here we go from the bottom to top!!

10. VirusTotal
This is an online File scanner. If you get any suspicious file on the web(E-mail or somewhere) before opening it, a scan of that file may be necessary. This website will help you achieve the same.
VirusTotal is totally a free online virus scanner.

9. Google NCR
NCR= No country redirection.
When you open google normally from your computer, it will redirect you to your country specific domain (example .in .ae .au .cr etc). if you want to use google without any country restrictions, visit Google NCR.
 8. Web-Capture
This is a web page, which helps you capture any web page as an image file of different formats. You can take full HD screenshot of any webpage and save them into JPG/JPEG, PNG and PDF formats. Completely for free.

7. DownForEveryoneOrJustMe
This is a crazy website. yet very useful. If during some situations, any website is down, and you get a confusion like whether its only for you or the server is down for everyone. This can help in such situation. just type the link you want to check and you get the detail of server. Simple to use and very helpful.

6. Fake Name generator
If you are a shy kind of guy or you are a privacy lover and if hate to share your real name with the social network on Internet, this website is for you to create a fake ID with full details. This website can generate a random fake ID which can be used for any user and for any purpose.
[Note: This is not suggested for any bad/illegal use. use at your own responsibility

5. 10MinuteMail
10Minutemail is a service that lets you create an email address only for 10 minutes. You can use this website to get an email id for getting subscription or entering ID on any useless website where your original E-mail ID is not suggested. The beauty of this website is that all your mails will self destruct in 10 minutes.
[Note: This is not suggested for any bad/illegal use. use at your own responsibility

4. Free Online Photo Editor
This is a simple to use, and very useful online photo editor website. You can perform any simple photo effects and basic operations like Enhance, crop, tilt etc. Basic and very fast loading website of a great use.

3. Geek Typer
This is a crazy website and very useful if you are planning to make fool of anyone. There are many things to tell about this website and how I personally liked it. This would surely be on the first position in the ranking if it was of some use to a Techie guy. Since this is just for a prank purpose, this is in the third position. You can Show Off with your friends that you know coding. Just open the website and select a theme. and start typing rubbish. That's it.
[PS: There is another website similar to This, That is HackerTyper. It is not in the list since it has less features] 

2. Who IS
This website is to check the owner of a domain. Go to the website and type the domain. You will see the information of who owns domain and many more. Very useful for techies.

1. Small SEO Tools 
This is a powerful website which can be used for many purposes. Mainly helpful for a blogger. This surely deserves the top ranking in the list.
Features of this website include:
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Article rewriter
  • Grammar checker
  • BackLink checker
  • Word Count checker
  • Spelling checker
  • And many more tools for blogging too.
Simple and easy to use. have a look.

So this was the list of 10 best crazy and useful websites. Share this post if you liked the information. Also comment your views if I missed any websites.Cheers!

He is a simple passionate tech freak who himself is an engineering student at Canara Engineering college. He likes App Development, Web designing, Blogging, Youtubing, Debugging and also is a CodeGeek!

Sharing is sexy!

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