Learn entire JAVASCRIPT basics from one single image + JavaScript CheatSheet

 javascript cheatsheet

First of all,
What is 'JavaScript'?
It is the programming language of HTML and the World Wide Web.[Learn more about JavaScript on WikiPedia] Actually it is an easy language to learn. And this post is gonna make it still easier. JavaScript is the trending programming language right now for the web and expertizing it can help you earn lot of bucks!!

Learn this language now with very less efforts today.

Main Content:
What if you had to study a single image for a good understanding of such a programming language. 

Yes, Yusheng, a china based developer, has created an image map(info-graphics) for the JavaScript. This image can help you get at least more than basic level' of understanding of the JavaScript.

This info-graphics for JavaScript is posted here (below) for you with some basic example codes and it covers ES5. The developer of this info-graphics is developing the ES6's syntax and we’ll be sharing it with you soon. (as told by the fossbytes.com post).

You can save the image which is present below, to have a quick look of JavaScript and may be acquire some cool coding skills in the language. 

JavaScript Mind-map


Learn Advanced JavaScript here at 'w3schools.com'

Also the JavaScript cheat sheet is here for you. Learn some important notes of JavaScript with the help of this image. [Credits: Fossbytes article]


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He is a simple passionate tech freak who himself is an engineering student at Canara Engineering college. He likes App Development, Web designing, Blogging, Youtubing, Debugging and also is a CodeGeek!

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