[Tutorial] - How to remove arrow from the shortcut icons (in windows)

remove arrow from the shortcut

In windows OS, at the left bottom of the shortcut icon, there will be a small arrow indicating that it is a shortcut to some directory in your hard disk. Even though they are smaller in the latest version of windows, they do not actually look attractive. Some PC Owners may hate it and even want to remove it. So here is the trick for the same.

Removing those small arrow just requires a small change in the windows registry. These methods should work in windows 7,8.x and 10.

Editing the registry:
Yes! you can do the editing of windows registry to add a new value to it and change the shortcut icon's property, without having to download any additional files. So Lets get started.

Since registry editor is a powerful tool in windows, and messing with it by putting wrong values to fields that you don't know, can result in misbehavior of your windows OS, for which i shall not be held responsible. Follow the exact steps below for safe editing.

Actually this is a simple trick that anyone can do. 

Follow the steps given below: 
1. Open the search bar of your windows. Type 'RUN' and hit enter.
2. In the 'run', type 'regedit' and hit enter. (see the picture provided below) 


3. Grant the administrator rights for regedit. Then you should see the registry editor opened up.
4. Now here, browse to this exact location 

5. Look through the Explorer directory's keys and find for a subkey named as 'Shell Icons'. If there isn't such key, then create a key by right clicking on 'Explorer'. Name it as 'Shell Icons'. (Enter the exact name, case sensitive). 

6. Now create a 'String value' in the 'Shell Icons' by right clicking on it. And name it exactly as '29'.
7. Double click on '29' and enter the 'value data' exactly as follows (see the screenshot below): 

enter this value
8. Click on 'OK'. 
9. You will need to restart (or Log Off and then log back On) the PC in order to see the changes taken place. 

Thats it. arrow must be gone by now.  Like this,

arrow gone

If you want the arrows back,
Then just delete the '29' value that you just created. and restart. (If you really want the ugly arrows back)

 Watch the video tutorial at our YouTube channel

You also have another option. You can replace the small arrow with the vista styled, larger arrows by entering the value data of '29' as follows: 

And restart the PC to see the changes.

Thats it. You just played with the windows registry to remove arrows from shortcut icons. 

Keep an eye on us for more. Cheers!!! 

He is a simple passionate tech freak who himself is an engineering student at Canara Engineering college. He likes App Development, Web designing, Blogging, Youtubing, Debugging and also is a CodeGeek!

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4 June 2016 at 20:21 delete

Superb explanation.. put many interesting facts like this!!!


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